Return on Investment
Land Management efficiency at its finest
Now, for every lease you take, you’re saving at least a 1/2 day in production time. The result is streamlined operational efficiency. From preparing your MOR to GIS mapping to eliminating human error-you could easily save approximately $600 to 650 per day, depending on your day rate and expenses.
Running your cursory title could take weeks of work. And once all the details are entered, the data isn’t going anywhere. When you’re ready to revisit the title, the cursory title is already captured in the system, eliminating wasteful redundancy.
Automate Your Process
- Never duplicate your work
- Optimized lease process
- Reduce the copy cost
- Brings proficiency
Bold Solutions

Ready to steam line your process and give land professionals accurate net acreage values, broker’s cost per acre, formation depths and more! Take a test drive today!